BulletML for Unity

unity package


Our first package for Unity—BulletML for Unity—has been accepted! Great! But… what is BulletML for Unity?

From our documentation:

BulletML for Unity is a simple and powerful wrapper around BulletML, for Unity 4.3 or higher.

It allows you to design some very complex bullet patterns with a simple XML file. It’s especially useful in “Shoot’Em Up” (shmup) games to create memorable boss fights or enemies.

Although BulletML for Unity is intended to be used in shmups, it is NOT limited to this genre. You can use it in any game you want.

The plugin costs 20$ on the Asset Store.

You can find more information about the features, the package and the license on our complete documentation.

Buy BulletML for Unity Only on the Unity Asset Store


We hope you will enjoy this package for Unity. It’s our first officially released product so it’s a big day for us. :)

Do not hesitate to follow us on twitter or through our RSS feed if you like BulletML for Unity. We would be happy if you could also review our plugin on the Asset Store too.

We would love to hear your feedback too!

For any problem about the plugin, contact us via bulletml-unity@pixelnest.io or twitter.


This plugin is NOT the BulletML library (but it includes it).

It’s a wrapper around it to make it work on Unity effortlessly. We are not the provider and main developer behind the official library or format.

8 april. 2014
By Pixelnest Studio

Unity and touch controls

new tutorial

Hello fellows,

Damien has cooked a new tutorial for you. The subject? Using touch gestures in your Unity project.

What’s better than using your phone or tablet with Unity? Making explosions by touching it, of course!

Enough talking: here is the tutorial.


As always, feel free to to send us your feedback or the mistakes you find. We are very open to discussion and we will try to fix our errors quickly. You can reach us using our contact page.

14 march. 2014
By Pixelnest Studio

Stunfest + Pixelnest


This is… Shmupfest!

N.B: For our english readers, please scroll down to read more at the end of the post.


Après l’annonce de notre existence officielle, voici une autre bonne nouvelle : nous sommes partenaires du Stunfest !

Le Stunfest est un festival sur le jeu vidéo rétro organisé par l’association 3 hit combo. Il aura lieu cette année le premier week-end de mai, toujours à Rennes.

Nous réalisons pour le festival le “Shmupfest”, un “Shoot’Em Up” (shmup) unique et collaboratif qui sent bon le chiptune et les gros pixels.

Ce jeu est directement lié à la campagne de financement participatif du festival. La plupart des contreparties vont vous permettre de faire votre propre sprite (personnage) dans le jeu !

Un petit résumé :

  1. Je donne quelques deniers au festival sur Ulule :


  2. Je recevrai bientôt un lien pour me connecter à l’interface de création de mon sprite :

    éditeur de sprite

    *(WIP - Image non-définitive)*

  3. Le jour du festival, je retrouve ma création avec celles des autres backers directement dans le jeu. Du coup je me fais un plaisir de faire le meilleur score pour marquer le coup :

    le jeu

    *(WIP - Image non-définitive)*

  4. Je trône fièrement dans le Hall of Fame du jeu et des milliers de gens voient ma création :

    le hall of fame

    *(WIP - Image non-définitive)*

Suivez toutes les avancées du développement sur notre twitter (@pixelnest) ou sur Facebook.


Now that we are officially created, we can also announce another good new: we are a partner of the Stunfest festival!

We are creating a game, the “Shmupfest”, a unique and collaborative retro “Shoot’Em Up”.

The game is directly linked to their crowdfunding campaign. Depending on their donation, backers are going to be able to draw and import their own custom sprite into the game.

We provide the editor interface and we ensure that the sprites are in the final game.

During the festival, people will be able to shoot at the creations and see their own one in the Hall of Fame!

You can follow the development through our twitter (@pixelnest) or our Facebook.

12 february. 2014
By Pixelnest Studio

Pixelnest Studio


Hello fellows!

This week is a big one for Pixelnest: the studio now officially exists!

We are legally referenced as a company by the french administration. We have also updated our website to add the required legal information (FR).

Things are getting serious, stay tuned for a major upcoming announcement!

11 february. 2014
By Pixelnest Studio