Coming back

5 years later!

Hello folks,

I’m not sure anyone will ever read this post (probably Matthieu with an RSS reader 😁).

But still, it’s important to write it.

Pixelnest is coming back!

I (Damien) am getting 100% of the studio, thanks to Matthieu who will continue his own adventures.

I’ll be joined by my favorite 3D magician Eddy Margueron and together we’re working on… a new game!

In the arcade DNA of our previous games (Steredenn, Flipon) we’re revealing CTHULOOT: an arcade coop game for PC and consoles.

There’ll be more announcements to come so be sure to:

Stay tuned! 💎🐙

13 may. 2023
By Damien Mayance

The Beginning And The End

Branching Paths

After 5 years of Pixelnest Studio, we — Matthieu & Damien — are moving onto new adventures, starting January 2019.

This is not a breakup! Everything is great but after doing the same job for the past 5 years, we want to explore new and different topics, jobs and positions. Steredenn was a huge critical and commercial success (for us at least) and we’re so grateful that we’ve been able to this for the last years.

We’re deeply thankful for all the people we met and all the players we had.

And we secretly hope that Steredenn will continue to be played in the next fifty years. 💪

Some notes:

  1. Steredenn: Binary Stars is coming to iOS on Jan. 2019.
  2. We are still supporting Steredenn (i.e. fixing bugs - a patch is coming, btw).
  3. We have a final surprise later in 2019.

We are keeping the company alive for at least one or two years. Feel free to contact us if you have any request or question regarding our services or our games. But Pixelnest Studio will not be our main activity anymore, so don’t expect a quick answer. 😉

Thanks everyone, it was a fantastic ride for both of us! 🙏


26 november. 2018
By Damien Mayance

Cloudy Build 1.0.0 & presskit.html 0.12.1

New tool and new release

Cloudy Build 1.0.0

Last week, we released a small tool called Cloudy Build.

Try Cloudy Build.

We use Unity Cloud Build as our continuous integration pipeline for our Unity projects. This is pretty cool, but the process to install a new build is a bit cumbersome.

Enter Cloudy Build: get your API key, save your org name, press the button, and boom, you have your latest builds. Generate the link and download right away.

It doesn’t look like much, but this can be super useful on mobile phones to get your latest build and try it ASAP, in a few seconds.

Cloudy Build does not store anything and the code is open-source.

presskit.html 0.12.1

(From 0.7.0 to 0.12.1)

We did a bit of work on presskit.html recently.

We released presskit.html 0.7.0 a month ago, and since then, we added many new features, culminating in presskit.html 0.12.1.

So, what’s new?

  • Generate thumbnails automagically. This is huge, and can save tons of megabytes.
  • Handle image categories. If you wrap some images in a subfolder inside an images/ folder, a category will be infered from this.
  • Show your <partners> in the factsheet, or add more information about them with a new <abouts> tag.
  • You can add a <download> link for your video.
  • New widget: Game Jolt (PR by @ruscoe).
  • Finish the documentation of the product page.
  • Improve the documentation (layout, style, data, examples).
  • Refactoring and tweaks to the code.

If you use presskit.html, I dearly recommend to update your local installation to take advantage of the new thumbnail generation. A quick presskit build and you should be done. 🙏

21 august. 2018
By Matthieu Oger

Steredenn physical releases

PS4 and Nintendo Switch

It’s official: Steredenn: Binary Stars is getting a physical release on PS4 and Nintendo Switch!

Steredenn on PS4 box

We are so excited by these announcements.

Seeing the game on physical boxes is a dream comes true for us. 😍

A warning though: both offers are limited in quantity. If you don’t grab a copy quickly, it’s over.


The PS4 version is already available.

Buy it on Strictly Limited Games

A first batch has already been sold out, so hurry up if you want to get a copy.

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch version will be coming later, so stay tuned. Find more on Super Rare Games.

Spread the word!

30 july. 2018
By Matthieu Oger