BulletML for Unity
Documentation: Integration with a pooling system
BulletML for Unity does not provide a pooling system. We think there are more than enough great pooling plugins on the Asset Store.
However, you can easily bind our plugin with another one.
Here’s a simple script skeleton to give you an idea of how you can hook BulletML for Unity into a pooling plugin, like Core GameKit:
public class BulletPoolScript : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
var bulletManager = FindObjectOfType<BulletManagerScript>();
if (bulletManager != null)
bulletManager.OnBulletSpawned += OnBulletSpawned;
bulletManager.OnBulletDestroyed += OnBulletDestroyed;
public BulletScript OnBulletSpawned(BulletObject bullet, string bulletName)
// Get a GameObject from the pool.
// bulletName and bullet can help you identify the bullet you want.
// TODO: Your pool here.
GameObject go = MyPool.Get();
// Make sure this GameObject has a BulletScript and return it.
// BulletScript can be added on the fly,
// there is no special parameter to pass.
var bulletScript = go.GetComponent<BulletScript>();
if (bulletScript == null)
bulletScript = go.AddComponent<BulletScript>();
return bulletScript;
public void OnBulletDestroyed(GameObject bullet)
// Recycle your GameObject
// 1/ If you need the label, you can retrieve it this way.
var bulletScript = bullet.GetComponent<BulletScript>();
if (bulletScript != null)
BulletPool pool = null;
var bulletName = bulletScript.Bullet.Label.ToLower();
// TODO: Your pool here.
// 2/ Otherwise you have a direct reference to the bullet's GameObject.
// TODO: Your pool here.
To be sure no bullets are instantiated without pooling, be careful to change the “Script Execution Order” menu to:
- Your BulletML + pooling script